Case Studies – Colin
Colin was referred to us after he presented to his first opinion vet severely lame on his hind right leg. It was suspected that he had ruptured the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in his stifle (knee). Upon examination it was confirmed that this was the case. To stabilise the joint, surgery would be necessary.

Before surgery, accurate measurements are taken from radiographs to determine the surgical action

After surgery, plate and screw placement is checked and new angles are measured
The most appropriate surgical procedure was deemed to be Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) wherein angles between the distal femur and proximal tibia are altered and fixed in position using a plate and screws, making the joint no longer reliant on the action of the CCL.
Colin was taken to surgery on the same day and a medial parapatellar approach was made to the right stifle joint. Arthrotomy confirmed complete rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament with meniscal damage that was removed at this time. A right TPLO was performed. The bone was fixedusing a 3.5mm locking TPLO plate.
Post-operative radiographs showed good reduction of the osteotomy and implant positioning. 6 weeks post-operatively, repeat radiographs were taken to ensure healing and proper positioning. Colin received the all-clear and is now doing very well.